(Delivers to USA, some titles to Canada) |
Gumbo Teen | $15 | 6-BiMonthly |
Gumbo Teen Magazine,GUMBO Teen Magazine, the national for-teens magazine, is unlike an average teen publication. |
Native Peoples | $19.95 | 6-BiMonthly |
Native Peoples Magazine,Each issue brings you American Indian history, contemporary arts, Native film, theater, music, culture, Native American recipes, pow-wows & events in North & South America in exquisite full-color. |
Native Peoples | $36 | 12-BiMonthly |
People En Espanol | $19.97 | 11-Monthly |
People En Espanol Magazine,People en Espanol-publicada once veces al ano, es la revista mas fascinante y al dia para los hispanos de los Estados Unidos. |
People | $113.88 | 52-Weekly |
People Magazine,People Magazine is a weekly publication with all the latest celebrity and popular culture news. |
People | $56.94 | 26-Weekly |
Teen Ink | $24.95 | 10-Monthly |
Teen Ink Magazine,It's about time - teenagers speaking for themselves! Any teen can submit writing, art and photos for publication. |
Teen People | $15.97 | 10-Monthly |
Teen People Magazine,It's from People, except it's just for teens! Teen People allows you to read intimate profiles of your favorite celebrities and hear inspiring stories of teenagers just like yourself. |
Teen Titans Go | $19.95 | 12-Monthly |
Teen Titans Go Magazine,The next generation of superheroes- Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash and Wonder Girl- are tutored by Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy as they face foes old and new. |
Teen Vogue | $12 | 12-Monthly |
Teen Vogue Magazine,It's new! It's like regular Vogue, except for teens. It's the #1 magazine for fashion, clothes, and trends for teenagers. |
Teen Voices | $11.75 | 2-Seasonal |
Teen Voices Magazine,Put down that lipstick and let go of the need-a-guy attitude! |