(USA delivery) |
Discover | $19.95 | 12 |
Provides its readers with immediate access to startling developments in science, technology and medicine with a renewed emphasis on how those breakthroughs affect their world. |
Discover | $19.95 | 12 |
Discovery Girls | $19.95 | 6 |
Created for and by girls ages 7-12! Discovery Girls celebrates girls' uniqueness and inspires them to believe in Themselves. |
Discovery Girls | $19.95 | 6 |
Dogs for Kids | $12.99 | 6 |
Dogs for Kids | $12.99 | 6 |
National Geographic Kids | $19.95 | 10 |
Award winning magazine that combines learning with fun. Exciting articles on wildlife, earth, sea, and sky; plus challenging puzzles, games, and scientific experiments, for kids 8 & up! |
National Geographic Kids | $19.95 | 10 |
Sports Illustrated For Kids | $19.95 | 12 |
Stories on professional sports outstanding amateurs and kids plus posters, puzzles and cards. |
Sports Illustrated For Kids | $19.95 | 12 |
US Kids | $21.75 | 6 |
Children aged six through 10 will love this exciting magazine for its entertaining stories about science and nature, true-life stories, terrific pictures, fun games and activities, super contests, and profiles of real kids doing extraordinary things. |
US Kids | $21.75 | 6 |
(Delivers to USA, some titles to Canada) |
Creative Kids | $19.95 | 4 |
Creative Kids Magazine,The nation's largest magazine by and for kids. The magazine features stories, games, poetry, contest and art all by and for kids. |
Discover | $19.97 | 12-Monthly |
Discovery Girls | $19.95 | 6-BiMonthly |
Dogs for Kids | $12.99 | 6-BiMonthly |
Dogs for Kids Magazine,Geared toward canine-loving pre-teens and teens. Each full-color issue covers training tips, mini breed profiles, fun activities to do with dogs, games, puzzles and posters. |
Fun For Kidz | $33.95 | 6-BiMonthly |
Fun For Kidz Magazine,The magazine for boys and girls ages 5-13 years. Activities and things to do. |
Kids Adventure Across The States | $4.99 | 1-Annual |
Kids Adventure Across The States Magazine,A kids guide to collecting coins! |
National Geographic Kids | $19.95 | 10-Monthly |
Sports Illustrated For Kids | $19.95 | 12-Monthly |
Sports Illustrated For Kids | $9.99 | 6-Monthly |
U.S. Kids | $18.95 | 6-BiMonthly |
U.S. Kids Magazine,True-life stories, fascinating science & nature features, kids health & fitness, kids in the news, dazzling color photos,and a gazillion fun-to-do games - activities, and contests. |